SHE – Protecting Safety, Health and the Environment
ESIM Chemicals™ is deeply committed to protecting the safety and health of our employees and yours. We also work hard to minimize our impact on the environment and run our business in a responsible, sustainable manner. We welcome the opportunity to work with like-minded companies who share our belief that a critical measure of quality is consistently improving the lives of people and the world we
live in.

Safety at the Development Phase
Safe processes and equipment are integrated at the earliest phases of every project.
We operate a professional Research & Development department supported by a safety laboratory. That supports early-phase teams with the information necessary for inherently safer process designs.
Safety in Production
Multidisciplinary teams at ESIM Chemicals perform HAZOP studies on every process, focussing on equipment, chemistry, and possible environmental impact. Potential risks are identified and strategies are defined to mitigate possible consequences to an acceptable level or eliminate them entirely. Our safety instrumented systems are designed in accordance with EN ISO 61511.
Product Handling Safety
Job safety assessments identify all potential exposure scenarios. Depending upon the possible consequences, measures are defined to prevent these risks.
For instruction and information of the people working with our products, Material Safety Data Sheets are available for all products, in all relevant languages, and meet all requirements for REACH registration and the CLP classification directive. For high-volume products, GHS documents are available on the ICCA GPS Chemicals Portal.
Safety Certification
ESIM Chemicals has implemented a Safety Management System in accordance with ISO 45001:

Occupational Health / Safe Handling of Products
For the safety of all people working with chemical products within ESIM Chemicals, possible exposure scenarios are carefully assessed. When called for, if possible, use of closed equipment is the preferred strategy to minimize contact with substances. An industrial hygiene monitoring system is in place to ensure that any exposure is within safe limits.
Health Certification
Our safety and health management system is certified in accordance with ISO 45001:

Environment / Responsible Care / Sustainability
ESIM Chemicals has been certified according to EMAS (EG) 1221/2009 and ISO 45001.
Emissions to Air
ESIM Chemicals investigates all production gas streams for potential pollutants. When solvents or other relevant substances are present, that gas stream is treated to reduce emissions to air. We operate onsite state-of-the-art off-gas incineration plants for this purpose. When the potential pollutant is a dusty compound, filtration systems are installed.
Emissions to Water
We use in our production plant various technologies for the reduction of wastewater substances such as stripping, extraction, activated carbon systems, before the wastewater is brought to our Chemicals Park biological waste water treatment plant for further reduction of substances and COD (chemical oxygen demand) load. Permanent monitoring is integral to our efforts to minimize our impact on water resources.
External Waste
Our top priority regarding waste is to reduce the amount we generate through innovative process design and recycling materials. Combustible waste we do generate is used to fuel state-of-the-art incineration plants that produce steam for heating, reducing our consumption of petroleum-based fuels and natural gas.
We are continuously working to reduce consumption and increase production efficiency of energy generation at our sites. Our energy management system is certified in accordance with EMAS and ISO 50001.